
1. Fermentation of plant cel...

1. Fermentation of plant cell walls by ruminal bacteria, protozoa and fungi and their interaction with fibre particle size

2. Effect of yeast culture or cellulolytic enzymes in licking blocks on rumen fermentation and fi bre degradation in vitro*

3. Response of Growth Performance, Cecal Fermentation Traits and In vitro Gas Production to Substitution of Soyhulls for Lignified Fiber in Rabbit Diets*

4. The effect of different doses of Astragalus root extract on in vitro rumen fermentation of steamfl aked maize grains used as an only substrate

5. Disintegration of starch crystal structure by steam fl aking may be responsible for the improvement of in vitro ruminal fermentation of steam fl aked sorghum grains

6. Effect of processing dejuiced sweet sorghum residues on ruminal fermentation characteristics in vitro

7. Difference of nitrogen contents determined by the combustion and Kjeldahl method in response to nitrate nitrogen in some feedstuffs

8. Effect of supplemental β-carotene in the periparturient diet on plasma vitamin A and β-carotene concentrations and lymphocyte proliferation in Holstein cows

9. Effects of dietary concentrate level on ruminal fermentation and microbial growth effi ciency in dual fl ow continuous culture*

10. Comparison of chemical composition, starch gelatinization and in vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics of different types of maize grains

11. Effect of Picrasma quassioides plant extract, yeast culture and monensin on in vitro mixed ruminal microorganism fermentation of wheat starch*

12. Effects of different proportions of dietary structural and nonstructural carbohydrates on ruminal fermentation and microbial growth effi ciency in sheep

13. Isolation and in vitro culture of intramuscular pre-adipocytes from Luxi adult Yellow cattle

14. Regulation of proliferation and differentiation of Luxi bovine intramuscular preadipocytes by propionate*

15. Effect of two methods of Van Soest fi bre detergent system on monosaccharide compositions of acid detergent residues

16. Comparison of chemical contents and in vitro nutrient digestibility of maize stalks from high oil maize with conventional or specifi c fodder maize

17. The profile of alkali-soluble phenolic acids in maize stover, and rice and wheat straws*

18. Comparison of different maize stalk sources in China’s dairy production based on the Cornell system*

19. Effect of polyurethane coated urea on ruminal ammonia release and fermentation characteristics in vitro of steam-fl aked maize-based diet

20. Effects of processing maize grains and soyabean on rumen fermentation and development of Holstein bull calves

21. 围产期饲喂β-胡萝卜素对奶牛生产性能的影响

22. 日粮色氨酸水平对生长猪的氮利用效率、血浆类 胰岛素生长因子-I、生长激素及胰岛素的影响

23. 近红外光谱分析青贮玉米NDF中判别异常光谱的研究

24. 精料与稀释率对瘤胃发酵与微生物蛋白的影响

25. 不同品种玉米的化学成分、淀粉糊化度及活体外发酵特性的比较

26. 光谱法研究EGCG2Cu( Ⅱ) 与ctDNA的相互作用

27. 毛茛科植物提取物、莫能霉素及苹果酸对小麦粉体外发酵的影响

28. 包被尿素与蒸汽压片玉米组合对活体外瘤胃氨氮释放和发酵参数的影响

29. 康乃尔净碳水化合物蛋白质系统评价常用饲料碳水化合物和蛋白质瘤胃降解

30. 奶牛中性洗涤纤维营养研究进展

31. 玉米秸秆不同部位碳水化合物组分体外发酵动态分析

32. B族维生素在瘤胃中的合成及影响因素

33  丙酸和丙酸菌添加对高油玉米秸秆青贮发酵品质以及瘤胃发酵参数影响的研究

34. 大豆皮在饲料中的应用

35. 堆肥中微生物及分子生物学技术的应用研究进展

36. 围产期饲喂β-胡萝卜素对奶牛免疫性能的影响

37. 膨化全脂大豆对高产奶牛乳脂中PUFA 含量的影响

38. 膨化全脂大豆对高产奶牛乳脂中脂肪酸含量的影响

39. 饲喂膨化全脂大豆对奶牛组织中PUFAs 及CLA 含量变化的影响

40. 添加膨化全脂大豆对高产奶牛血液和乳中尿素氮的影响

41. 蒸汽加热处理对大豆皮抗营养因子活性和家兔盲肠微生物活体外消化的影响

42. 近红外光谱分析青贮玉米NDF中判别异常光谱的研究

43. 不同蛋白质饲料原料对瘤胃发酵参数和营养物质降解率的影响

44. 养奶牛要会添加维生素

45. 成年鲁西牛肌内前脂肪细胞的分离培养

46. 不同品种及不同成熟期的青贮玉米秸秆营养成分及体外发酵评定

47. 氢氧化钙与2%尿素复合处理提高小麦秸营养价值的研究

48. 氢氧化钙与尿素复合处理对小麦秸营养品质的影响

49. 不同生物添加剂对于全株玉米青贮发酵品质及消化率的影响

50. 毛茛科植物提取物添加量对瘤胃微生物体外动态发酵的影响

51. 借鉴澳大利亚牛肉追溯建设经验推动我国牛肉追溯系统建设

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